Profile photos are often creating biases. On Instagram, Facebook, or other social networks, profile photos have been a way to represent a person (next to a name). On LinkedIn, professionals tend to have more professional profile photos and that is often the reason why a certain bias or misconception gets created.
In order to make profile pictures more informative, lower the misconception rate and allow people to express themselves in a more creative way, I propose a universal profile photo mosaic.
Profile mosaic would be automatically generated by choosing the template. The algorithm would then read the profile description and create the mosaic. It would contain information about users' education, experiences, skills, and/or interests. Users would not be able to choose which information would be visible, just the format. The information would be presented as colored circles, squares, or dots that form the frame, bar, or other structure that does not cover the face/person on the photo. This way, people could get to know a person better just by looking at their profile mosaics.
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