Besides being considered an unwanted time-waster by some, Instagram use frequently results in body or face image issues because of the unrealistic standards set there. This often leads to a lack of confidence in the real world and even depression.
An app for helping reduce social media addiction, particularly Instagram. The app's secondary function is breaking the false mirage of how people look on Instagram. A reminder that people are curating only for the best photos of themselves, altering them extensively via filters, photoshop, not showing their actual appearance.
The app takes random photos of you with your front camera throughout the day, especially when your alarm goes off in the morning. But also while you're driving, browsing, texting...
When you post a photo you want on Instagram, it automatically posts another random photo of you that it took with the front camera. Without your knowledge as to which will it be.
Basically, resulting in a lot of this as the secondary photo on an Instagram post.
I could see this make people second-guess whether they need to post the photo they wanted to post anyways. If it becomes a trend, it's a far more realistic 'Instagram vs reality' trend than what is now posted on Insta.
The influencers might try to game it to give weight to their beauty, but you can make sure that the alarm photo is taken only when the phone hasn’t been active for 6+ hours - to ensure the user was actually sleeping. I'm guessing by now the cameras can detect whether someone is wearing makeup or posing (tilting their head, holding a stiff smile too long) and refuse to take photos at that point.
On a similar note, the app can be utilized to fine-tune against the highlights aspect of Instagram - which is that everyone posts only the best, most exciting moments of their lives. When they go rafting, hiking, to a wedding. Compounded, it makes the viewer feel like they are living a dull, unfulfilled life comparatively.
To combat this, one could possibly sync the location function on a phone and when you post a photo, it can show in statistics-graph that you actually spent 70+ hours of that week at your home, or at work, 20 in traffic, while only three at the wedding. It would also serve a secondary function as a reminder to actually be more active.