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Novatropes as a firework substitute

Image credit: kickstarter.com

Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice Mar 29, 2022
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Suspending electro-kinetic sculptures on blimps to fly during festivities as a substitute for fireworks.
  • The growing call for environmental consciousness dictates that fireworks will eventually be phased out by something with less of an impact on the environment .
  • Novatropes are equally as mesmerizing as fireworks without the residual pollution of the air
  • Novatropes can also be re-used at different festivities simply by changing the rotating pattern or the order of the lights
how it works

An unmanned blimp with the core as the rotating strobe dock. A sculpture is docked to it and a plexiglass cover enveloping it all. The light and the controls for the sequence are all on the core and by making subtle changes in the speed of rotation of the sculpture and the order of the light ,it is possible to create a mesmerizing show in the sky.



Creative contributions

Fireworks as holograms

jnikola Mar 30, 2022
What do you think about using lasers and loudspeakers to create a hologram of fireworks?
I found an example of how people did some enormous holograms. At Eric Prydz's concert, six hundred laser beams, ten million pixels of video, holograms of 20 meters wide amazed 15000 people. They used four laser projectors of the RZ31K model Panasonic, with a luminosity of 30.000 lumens each, merged to project a single image and optical illusion, on the Holo-Gaze screen. Check it out here.
I am sure we could do the same with fireworks, just add a few more projectors (or lumens) :)
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice3 years ago
If that astronaut is a projection then I am sold on this idea. Let's do it, lasers, loudspeakers and holograms to recreate fireworks sounds doable.
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Fireworks as drone-guided shows

jnikola Mar 30, 2022
As you recently mentioned in this the session, we could use a synchronized drone fleet to display fireworks.
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice3 years ago
I'm just throwing around firework substitutes. Which one would you prefer, all things considered?
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jnikola3 years ago
Contrived _voice Maybe holograms, since drones can be dangerous if they break down or lose synchronization. Also, weather can affect drones.
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General comments

Goran Radanovic
Goran Radanovic3 years ago
Part of the fireworks fun is the audio. It's that crackling sound, coupled with the display, that makes it interesting. Sure, animals and some people hate it. But since you're looking for a fireworks substitute, I thought that is an important aspect to consider.
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Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice3 years ago
Goran Radanovic what if you added mood music? Fireworks are instantaneous and violent so a loud boom makes sense for them. Novatropes are slow and soothing, which makes me wonder what music or sound would be most appropriate for them.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Contrived _voice Something like this
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Could you paint an approximate sketch of how you imagine it to look and where each part of the system would be located? It's hard for me to picture it just from the writing.
I'm also wondering is the plexiglass cover really necessary around the novatrope? And if so, why? The only reason why it is necessary, that I can think of, is for people not to try touching it and stoping the movement. But in the sky, maybe the cover would not be necessary? Or would it, because of the air resistance, a possibility of some bird bumping into it, etc.?
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Michaela D
Michaela D3 years ago
Good idea! It looks very pleasing aesthetically. Regarding the impact on the environment, what could be a way to make it smaller than the fireworks? The energy needed for the novatrop may not be that much (I did not find how much it is) but it would be significant to fly a bimple. Also, are there transparent bimples??
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