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Open medical diagnosis platform

Image credit: National Cancer Institute

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Jul 07, 2021
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A community-driven medical diagnosis platform where anyone can describe the symptoms, upload photos/videos, medical paperwork, then have the community discuss and come up with the most plausible diagnosis.

To motivate a fast response, the person that requests the diagnosis could add a bounty for whoever first comes up with the correct diagnosis.

I've found a few attempts at creating something similar, but they don't seem to be what I had in mind. Ideally, it would be something similar to brainstorming.com or Quora only with a different purpose.

There could be a panel of experts that rate each response, then based on the ratings the person's future opinion is higher/lower valued. It would also be great if the people asking for diagnosis came back and gave feedback after their problem was solved.

This could be a game/practice for medical students. The panel of experts that oversee the responses could then be seen as mentors.

The value of such a platform would grow with an increasing user base. It would be a goldmine for pharma-related companies to advertise. Ad revenue could pay for the experts/reviewers.
Creative contributions

Link to related session

salemandreus Jul 08, 2021
The potential for collaboration of medical minds online to diagnose rare conditions and consult on exceptional or interdisciplinary cases, and for renowned specialists to advise patients and local GPs on diagnosis and care later sparked the general session on how medical care can be improved through global connectivity.

Linking that here as I reckon information and creative contributions from these two will cross-pollinate well.
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Validation/ enrichment of the user profiles

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Jul 09, 2021
If the user is a doctor: To ensure that the doctors that provide online consultation are genuine, they can provide their license details along with the addresses to their clinics.

For other individuals: They may attach their work in the area like research papers/ blogs/ articles published. If they are responding to a post due to a similar condition they had/ have, they could post their medical papers as proof in support of their answers.

The idea is to seek validation from others by association. If a person who is a higher-ranking individual on the platform connects with you and upvotes/ shares your answers, your user rank on the platform increases, too. This is similar to the suggestions posted on the session on Identity verification for social media website.
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General comments

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
I like the idea.

Will the platform need some moderation on the type of videos/ photos uploaded? Since the photos/ videos uploaded to the platform will be of the human body, users may post vulgar images, just for fun. Soon the platform may be flooded with porn-like images. It may bring more traffic though.
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Spook Louw
Spook Louw4 years ago
Will there be some sort of background check to ensure the people have all the experience and qualifications that they claim to have?

I like the idea, but I am extremely wary of taking any medical advice from strangers. Looking at the poor quality of many of the questions and answers on Quora, how would you be able to prevent that from happening?
And if you aren't able to make sure that all the content is of top quality, what could the repercussions be?

I'm just thinking, if a troll or misguided person posts something online, at worst, it could be something I disagree with or something that wastes my time, when we enter fields such as medicine, anything similar could cause serious injury or illness.

Perhaps, if you could provide a platform for trained professionals who have had their qualifications verified to respond to queries from the public, it could work, but I struggle to imagine how one might make that financially viable for the doctors, nurses, or whatever kind of medical professionals involved.

It could also work if it were run as a charity, with professionals donating their time and knowledge, but in that case, I think the system would be overloaded with queries, as free quality medical assistance would have an inconceivably huge demand.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
Spook Louw good points. There are multiple ways of solving the main problem. For example, there could be a panel of experts that rate each response, then based on the ratings the person's future opinion is higher/lower valued. It would also be great if the people asking for diagnosis came back and gave feedback after their problem was solved.

This could be a game/practice for medical students. The panel of experts that oversee the responses could then be seen as mentors.

The value of such a platform would grow with an increasing user base. It would be a goldmine for pharma-related companies to advertise. Ad revenue could pay for the experts/reviewers.
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