An app where party hosts invite local people to their house parties based on geolocation/radius. Browse all the parties in your area, mingle with the locals, make new friends.
The party host defines the maximum number of guests. As people request to attend, the host approves/rejects or puts them on the last-minute waiting list (in case more slots open up).
Every party has the house rules posted ahead of people signing up. Stuff like age restriction, dress code, etc.
Offer free food and drinks (complements of the host), people just need to show up
Request the guests to bring some food/drinks (select from the wishlist so that different people bring different stuff)
Set an entrance fee that covers all the food/drings
Sell food/drinks at the party
any other model?
User reputation and identities
Only people with verified identities can request an invite to a party. The host can leave a feedback/review for any guest in case they caused trouble, or were vey nice, etc. This feedback is helpful to future hosts when approving/rejecting guests.
On arrival, the host checks the guests identities and marks them as arrived in the app. No-shows are reported on the user's profiles. In the future, if a user has a higher then average no-show ratio, the hosts are alerted so that they know what to expect from such a person. This is especially important in cases when people are expected to bring food/drinks. Or when all the available slots are reserved.
In cases where the maximum number of guests is reached and several don't show up, the host can last-minute invite a few from the waiting list to fill the vacant slots.
Rate system for the hosts and parties
The party goers are asked to rate the party and the host based on several criteria:
quality of food/drinks
host's hospitality
the venue ambient
overall enjoyment
choice of music
This is the opportunity for hosts to make their names as great party organizers.
Please leave the feedback on this idea