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Automate scratch game playing online.

Image credit: Dennis

Godswil Ugbosanmi
Godswil Ugbosanmi Feb 18, 2021
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As shown in the image above; I have more than 50,000 copies of the card and every card is a winning card, but, We have had records of people manipulating the card game when delivered to them at the comfort of their home. So we changed strategy and started playing the game online via video call which is not very effective when we have over 100 people in the queue players. Is there a way to make it better to sell out these copies?
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Website-based game using encryption

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Feb 18, 2021
At the moment you do everything manually, so the problem is scaling.

By completely translating the game into software, you solve the scaling problem but you run into another problem - trust. How can people trust that you are not making up the results as they scratch the virtual card? You solve this problem with encryption. You deliver proof first but the key to the proof at the end of the process.

This would be a website-based game. There would be no need for physical scratch cards. Anyone worldwide could play. You could deliver the winning reward via Bitcoin.

This is how the system would work:

  1. When they initiate the game, they first get the uncovered image showing where the ball is, but the image is encrypted and cannot be opened without the necessary 64 character key (which they don't yet have). They can save the encrypted file on their device to make sure you can't modify it.
  2. They play the game
  3. You show them the result (win/lose)
  4. You deliver the encryption key
  5. They verify that the encrypted image really is identical to the one they played against
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
You already have the customers, which is the difficult part of your business. The programming part is fairly easy in comparison. A good programmer is all you need.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
You can find a suitable programmer on Upwork. When everything is working fine you just need someone local who is good enough to comb through the code and make sure there are no backdoors built-in:) If you can find a good local programmer, that's all you need.
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Godswil Ugbosanmi
Godswil Ugbosanmi4 years ago
What we do now, is:
- providing them with the image of the card with their unique code opened for them to identify the card
- Send a labeled design of that image for them to make their selection
- Then we scratch it for them and send a picture of the result.

I just have this hunch that it can be better, Automated is a better way to explain it.
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General comments

Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
Hi Godswil Ugbosanmi, welcome🖖
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Godswil Ugbosanmi
Godswil Ugbosanmi4 years ago
Hi Darko Savic, Thank you for reaching out.

In this case, every card is a winning card depending on your selections. But we've had people manipulating the cards at the comfort of their home which was supposed to be on pure luck. That was why we took it online.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
Godswil Ugbosanmi I'm guessing people found a way to scan through the scratch-layer and detect where the ball is. I had a friend who came up with a high-tech way of doing that:)
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Godswil Ugbosanmi
Godswil Ugbosanmi4 years ago
Darko Savic yes, people place the card under UV light, led lights, chemicals. That was the main reason we came up with the idea of video calling people to play the card after purchase which is not too efficient when we have a lot of people because we have to scratch for every one of them.

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