An electronic vaporizer that heats solid incense material to produce vapor instead of smoke, similarly to how some e-cigarettes (e.g. IQOS) heat tobacco to produce its' vapor instead of smoke.
The smoke of direct burning incense is too intense/irritating for some people. They might enjoy the smell of the incense material when it's not lit up, but don't tolerate the smoke when it's burning, or like the smell only to some extent, while there's still little smoke produced, etc.
A vapor, compared to smoke is way less irritating and has a softer smell. The same amount of incense material would also last longer if it was vaporized instead of being burned.
I'm having in mind specifically the type of Indian incense that is molded from a viscous mass (sometimes referred to as Dhoop) and rolled onto bamboo sticks. They have the most intense and at the same time natural aromatic smell of all the solid incense types. The mass is made from pulverized aromatic plant material mixed with various natural binding agents, like plant resins. That mass is of pretty high humidity and seems like a perfect mixture for producing vapor when heated.
However, since the composition of this mixture is originally intended for burning, I'm not sure if it would work for vaporizing, it might be necessary to come up with a different composition.
The prepared incense mixture would have to be spread inside the vaporizer in a way that is most efficient for the heating element to produce vapor from it. The mixture could be molded into a specific shape, a kind of cartridge to insert into the heating element.
The novelty of the idea :
Searching the web, I didn't manage to find a solid incense vaporizer already existing. All there is are vaporizers for essential oils or incense burners. Here you can see different options of those. If you know about an existing solid incense vaporizer, please let me know.
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