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Using thin polymers to cover the surfaces of plates so that you don't have to wash them

Image credit: https://unsplash.com/@gbyz13

Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello Aug 13, 2021
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We will try to use thin polymer materials to cover all the surfaces of plates so that when the plates are used the materials can be taken off to leave your clean unused plate.

The aim of such an innovation is to save time and increase convenience so the plates will have to be covered in polymers by the use of machines. The machines that cover the plates with polymers can use electrostatic means to keep the polymer layers attached. They can also be held by a weak, nontoxic, hypoallergenic adhesive so that they can be easily removed without leaving any residues on the plate. The machine will cover the whole plate in polymer and leave a few loose ends that make it easy to peel the polymer layers of the plates.

Multiple layers of the polymers can be placed on a dish at once so that it can be used over many cycles without having to wash it. The plates can also have many designs to give a feel of different plates. These polymer layers can be used on all utensils that do not have to be used at high temperatures. Materials other than polymers, that have high resistance to heat can be used to make surfaces for utensils like pots, that have to be put through high temperatures.
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Going after the root of the problem

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Aug 13, 2021
If the goal is to minimize work (cleaning) after a meal then this could easier be solved by:
  • edible plates and utensils
  • biodegradable single-use plates and utensils
Both could be done in ways that leave no negative impact on the environment.
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Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello4 years ago
I agree with you that these solutions let us minimize work too, but the amount of waste that is produced per meal by single-use plates will take up more space and have more mass than the waste produced by a thin layer of polymers. The production of single-use plates will also cost more than the production of thin layers of polymer.

The polymer layers can be made out of biodegradable polymers (biopolymers) to make them more friendly to the environment. These biopolymers can be synthesized with polyactides(PLA) to make them heat resistant where relevant(like when they are used with pots and other utensils that are used when cooking ).
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