Which are the problematics of porn?
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Relationship issues

[1]Perry, Samuel L. "Pornography and Relationship Quality: Establishing the Dominant Pattern by Examining Pornography Use and 31 Measures of Relationship Quality in 30 National Surveys." Archives of Sexual Behavior (2020): 1-15.
[2]Stewart, Destin N., and Dawn M. Szymanski. "Young adult women’s reports of their male romantic partner’s pornography use as a correlate of their self-esteem, relationship quality, and sexual satisfaction." Sex Roles 67.5-6 (2012): 257-271.
[3]Perry, Samuel L., and Cyrus Schleifer. "Till porn do us part? A longitudinal examination of pornography use and divorce." The Journal of Sex Research 55.3 (2018): 284-296.
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Absence of unified law
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Health care issues
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Issues of stigmatization and difficulty in rehabilitation into the society
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Common predictors for problematics
[1]Ross, M.W.; Månsson, S.-A.; Daneback, K. Prevalence, severity, and correlates of problematic sexual Internet use in Swedish men and women. Arch. Sex. Behav. 2012, 41, 459–466
[2]Ballester-Arnal, R.; Castro Calvo, J.; Gil-Llario, M.D.; Gil-Julia, B. Cybersex Addiction: A Study on Spanish College Students. J. Sex. Marital Ther. 2017, 43, 567–585
[3]Štulhofer, A.; Jurin, T.; Briken, P. Is High Sexual Desire a Facet of Male Hypersexuality? Results from an Online Study. J. Sex. Marital Ther. 2016, 42, 665–680
[4]Frangos, C.C.; Frangos, C.C.; Sotiropoulos, I. Problematic Internet Use among Greek university students: An ordinal logistic regression with risk factors of negative psychological beliefs, pornographic sites, and online games. Cyberpsychol. Behav. Soc. Netw. 2011, 14, 51–58
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Child abuse
[1]Whealin, Julia (23 February 2016). "Child Sexual Abuse". National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, US Department of Veterans Affairs. Archived from the original on 8 December 2016.
[2]Finkelhor D (1994). "Current information on the scope and nature of child sexual abuse" (PDF). The Future of Children. 4 (2): 31–53. doi :10.2307/1602522. JSTOR 1602522. PMID 7804768. Archived (PDF) from the original on 13 October 2008.
[3]Gorey KM, Leslie DR (April 1997). "The prevalence of child sexual abuse: integrative review adjustment for potential response and measurement biases". Child Abuse & Neglect. 21 (4): 391–8.
[4] "India's hidden incest". BBC News. 22 January 1999. Archived from the original on 8 May 2013
[5]Bobbie Johnson. "Time taken to shut child abuse sites criticised". the Guardian. Retrieved 14 March 2015
[6]Virtueel filmpje geldt ook als porno, AD, March 11, 2008; ^ Paul, B. and Linz, D. (2008)
[7]The effects of exposure to virtual child pornography on viewer cognitions and attitudes toward deviant sexual behavior Archived 2008-05-13 at the Wayback Machine," Communication Research, 35(1), 3-38
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[1]Kraus, S.W.; Voon, V.; Kor, A.; Potenza, M.N. Searching for clarity in muddy water: Future considerations for classifying compulsive sexual behavior as an addiction. Addiction 2016, 111, 2113–2114. [
[2]Najavits, L.; Lung, J.; Froias, A.; Paull, N.; Bailey, G. A study of multiple behavioral addictions in a substance abuse sample. Subst. Use Misuse 2014, 49, 479–484
[3]Ballester-Arnal, R.; Castro Calvo, J.; Gil-Llario, M.D.; Gil-Julia, B. Cybersex Addiction: A Study on Spanish College Students. J. Sex. Marital Ther. 2017, 43, 567–585
[4]Rissel, C.; Richters, J.; de Visser, R.O.; McKee, A.; Yeung, A.; Caruana, T. A Profile of Pornography Users in Australia: Findings From the Second Australian Study of Health and Relationships. J. Sex. Res. 2017,54, 227–240
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Problematic use of online pornography
[1]Voon, V.; Mole, T.B.; Banca, P.; Porter, L.; Morris, L.; Mitchell, S.; Lapa, T.R.; Karr, J.; Harrison, N.A.; Potenza, M.N.; et al. Neural correlates of sexual cue reactivity in individuals with and without compulsive sexual behaviours. PLoS ONE 2014, 9, e102419
[2]Blais-Lecours, S.; Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P.; Sabourin, S.; Godbout, N. Cyberpornography: Time Use, Perceived Addiction, Sexual Functioning, and Sexual Satisfaction. Cyberpsychol. Behav. Soc. Netw. 2016, 19, 649–655
[3]Albright, J.M. Sex in America online: An exploration of sex, marital status, and sexual identity in internet sex seeking and its impacts. J. Sex. Res. 2008, 45, 175–186.
[4]Wright, P.J. U.S. males and pornography, 1973–2010: Consumption, predictors, correlates. J. Sex. Res. 2013, 50, 60–71
[5]Wright, P.J. U.S. males and pornography, 1973–2010: Consumption, predictors, correlates. J. Sex. Res. 2013, 50, 60–71
[6]Mitra, M.; Rath, P. Effect of internet on the psychosomatic health of adolescent school children in Rourkela—A cross-sectional study. Indian J. Child Health 2017, 4, 289–293
[7]Starcevic, V.; Khazaal, Y. Relationships between Behavioural Addictions and Psychiatric Disorders: What Is Known and What Is Yet to Be Learned? Front. Psychiatry 2017, 8, 53.
[8]Frangos, C.C.; Frangos, C.C.; Sotiropoulos, I. Problematic Internet Use among Greek university students: An ordinal logistic regression with risk factors of negative psychological beliefs, pornographic sites, and online games. Cyberpsychol. Behav. Soc. Netw. 2011, 14, 51–58.
[9]Voss, A.; Cash, H.; Hurdiss, S.; Bishop, F.; Klam, W.P.; Doan, A.P. Case Report: Internet Gaming Disorder Associated With Pornography Use. Yale J. Biol. Med. 2015, 88, 319–324.
[10]Stockdale, L.; Coyne, S.M. Video game addiction in emerging adulthood: Cross-sectional evidence of pathology in video game addicts as compared to matched healthy controls. J. Affect. Disord. 2018, 225, 265–272