Since I saw the omni-directional treadmill and the VR backpacks , I am crazy about it. The only thing that holds me back is the price. They are ridiculously expensive and therefore, I love the idea of this session. I had a couple of ideas that could make the technology and the experience more affordable.
The idea is to retain a small volume of the gaming platform, but make it without moving surface. Why? They are loud (especially while running or jumping), become dirty, and are prone to blockages/malfunctions due to dirt entering the sensitive mechanism.
Several ideas I would base this platform on would be:
Muscular traction-guided movement
For the same reasons mentioned in "going aerial" part, the idea would be to make the gaming more sedimental. Many hardcore gamers, who play all days long, would adapt to this type of VR experience much easier than to the running treadmill version.
Please leave the feedback on this idea