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A platform where you see how many others are having the same problems as you and how some eventually solved them

Image credit: Shutterstock

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Feb 06, 2022
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A platform where you summarize each of the problems that are currently pestering you. It shows you how many others are currently facing the same problems and how others before you have solved them.
  • Take some comfort in the fact that you are almost never alone in your struggles. Others are fighting through the same battles all the time.
  • See how other people before you dealt with the same problems. Maybe get some inspiration or ideas that can help you.
  • The platform would be a great source of problems that startups could attempt to solve at scale. A business that can effectively solve a hard problem for their customers, would do well.
How it works
You summarize each of your problems. AI (via GPT3 or similar) recognizes what your problems are about and groups them correctly with other people's problems.
One way or another all problems solve themselves eventually. When yours are dealt with, you summarize what the solution was and how things unfolded. The solutions are again grouped by AI and shown to future people who will be facing the same problems.
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Prescribe a tailored solution

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Feb 07, 2022
A person who is currently facing the problem gets a list of solutions that were used previously. The person likes three of these solutions and finds them relatable. The person then wants to know more about them to be sure to use the most relevant one. He/she can then send the original authors a message and ask more questions. They can have a chat that will help the person make a more informed decision.
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"not the end of the world " effect

Contrived _voice
Contrived _voice Feb 07, 2022
It's never the end of the world sounds like an obvious statement but It's human to cave in when all things fall apart. I think this could be the best way to show it in practice.
Instead of wallowing after a crisis, seeing solutions to your problems in practice could really be a motivator to get up and start fixing things.
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General comments

Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
This platform would be a great source of problems that startups could attempt to solve at scale. A business that can effectively solve a hard problem for people would do well
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Goran Radanovic
Goran Radanovic3 years ago
I think it would be great if statistics and stories about famous people who were in the same situation are included with the problems/solutions. To Darko's point about knowing that you're not alone, I find motivational facts and life-changing stories make me feel better.
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jnikola3 years ago
Quora offers an incredibly large database of questions, of which many are pretty much the same. Even if your question/problem has been already solved, people add their comments and additional solutions to it on a daily basis. Maybe it could therefore be the basis from where to start building the database you proposed. What do you think? Also, a touch of personalization could offer what Shubhankar Kulkarni proposed - personalized solutions.
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Spook Louw
Spook Louw3 years ago
I like the idea, I just wonder if scammers and opportunists might misuse this information. Even if it is kept anonymous, being able to see what people are struggling with might inspire people to take advantage of these groups.
For example, let's say that this app indicates that there are a lot of people struggling financially, someone might target this area with get rich quick schemes or dodgy loans.
Of course, these sorts of people are already benefiting from others and will continue to do so, with or without an app that centralizes the information. Still, it is something to consider.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
Do you intend to keep the problems and solutions anonymous? This will reduce misuse and social problems of all kinds.
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