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An algorithm that displays your level of originality in communication with others

Image credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/a1k7ku/guys_this_is_how_you_start_a_conversation_on/

Povilas S
Povilas S Mar 30, 2022
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An algorithm that works similarly to Grammarly, except instead of how well written your text is, it shows you how original your expressions are.
  • It's more difficult to keep being boring when the originality score is straight in your face each time. Coming up with something novel requires putting some thought into it, which equals additional time and energy, this is the reason people rarely try being original. Displaying originality level is a passive-aggressive way to encourage this.
  • People will rarely tell you that you're being boring or/and repeating yourself, because of the fear of hurting your feelings. An algorithm, on the contrary, is a different story.
  • Might help enliven stagnant parts of relationships, especially those with family members, close relatives, partners, etc. where the same topics are frequently touched, but the discussion then moves nowhere and both sides tend to reply with similar phrases each time. The latter was what inspired the idea.
How it works:
It could function as an extension for chat apps, emails, social media pages, etc. The reference point for originality is your chat history with a particular person. If you only start chatting with someone, the algorithm will compare your first sentences with those you used when starting to chat with your other contacts or/and it could take general human communication as a reference point in which phrases like "hi, how are you?" would be scored the lowest originality level since they're extremely common.
This is not to say that you shouldn't use common phrases or small talks in your speech, after all, you have to start with something, you could simply ignore the originality score at first, but if your score keeps being low as the convo progresses, you might want to consider diversifying your speech.
The algorithm would start displaying the level of originality as you type the phrase so that you could consider if you really want to send it before the "damage" has been done. It could also suggest alternative phrases/expressions to make the language more rich and original.
But the main focus should be not on how you arrange the words and what synonyms you use, but on the meaning of your expressions, if you change some words for the sentence to sound differently, this might help a little, but the essence is the same, you might want to talk about something entirely different, answer in a different manner than you usually do, only then it can be considered more original than your usual interactions.
How would the algorithm measure the originality level?
I'm not a programmer, so I can't suggest the mechanisms behind it, but it doesn't seem like a hard task to do for an algorithm. Even counting the repeating (as compared to past conversations) words and phrases in sentences and basing the score on the level of repetition, would give a productive result.
I didn't find sources on the web suggesting how to measure the originality of speech, but I did find those suggesting methods to measure the novelty of products, ideas, and scientific discoveries, that can all be helpful in attempting to design the proposed algorithm.
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The originality of the other person

jnikola Mar 30, 2022
I think your idea is great! It would make people try harder to think of new greetings, intro sentences, etc., and definitely make conversations out of the box.
I would also like to suggest the same for the other person.
In that way, you could get an originality score of your interlocutor (the person you are talking with) and see if they are in the mood for an unconventional conversation or they answer the same answers. The latter could indicate they feel bored or are busy, so you could adapt your questions and tone accordingly.
How would it work?
It would be based on the same as you mentioned - past conversations.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Yes, that's an option. A negative side to this is that you might start comparing your originality with your companion's and this might grow into"originality wars" where people say weird and unnecessary things just to outscore each other. Also, you might start justifying your laziness: "he/she is not being original either, so I'll just don't give a damn about this either".
The main point in showing you only your originality score is personal development. You don't do that as much for another person as for yourself to become more interesting and practice your speaking/social skills. Even if the collocutor will continue being boring, practicing originality will help you personally, you'll use those skills for other conversations.
If the person on the other end was using the same software you could always ask them to send you screenshots with their originality level. This kind of game could also diversify the conversation, but I'd avoid always seeing the originality score of another person. You can always assess it intuitively yourself.
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jnikola3 years ago
Povilas S The thing you said in the first paragraph is the same phenomenon that could happen in the case when only your originality is checked, too. And the justification of your laziness could also be explained as an acceptance of the other person's disinterest in talking to you.
I agree with you in the other paragraph. Personalized growth is a good reason to go with this. In that way, do you think the originality score should also come along with some guidelines, or it's up to a person to decide in which direction will the originality go (a person could start an "originality war" with himself and say weird things to outscore themselves)?
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Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković3 years ago
Povilas S J. Nikola It would be fun to see how much just your switch in originality would influence the other person to start expressing themselves likewise.
However, people would absolutely hate it if they found out you were judging them with the help of an algorithm.
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Reset after a month or a year

jnikola Mar 30, 2022
It would be good if the extension automatically resets after a certain period to allow people to have a normal conversation after a long time.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
This could be an option in settings to reset it manually whenever you want.
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Authenticity in conversation-starting

Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković Mar 31, 2022
I would also like to see a broad algorithm break down just how much communication with a person is a derivative of links we send each other. How much it's reactionary and revolves around clips, memes, and articles. Versus how much it is unrelated, just more innate causes for communication.
Authenticity is a different form of originality but could still fall under the broad umbrella of it.
Also to have how often link-sparked conversations last long and diverge into other topics. I'm sure it could be measured by checking the times of responses and the language used.
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Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
I was considering changing the topic of the idea from originality to authenticity. Novelty is another term to consider, even broader than originality, perhaps.
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General comments

Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
GPT3 could be used to group together replies with the same meaning but different wording. That way people would score high only if they are original in meaning, not the wording.
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