Area beautification funds that use the inhabitants pooled resources to buy out local real estate and transform it into beautiful shared communal areas.
Some areas are crammed full of buildings to the point where there are no public spaces left for inhabitants to enjoy. Such areas gradually become optimized for just one purpose (be it living, industry, shopping) while neglecting everything else. This diminished the feel-good vibe of an area.
As a consequence of destroying an area with overpopulation, the local real estate units become less desirable and often change hands when people strive to move somewhere nicer. The prices are such that a typical local inhabitant can afford a single unit of real estate.
The solution is to create an initiative, an "area beautifying fund" to which people contribute money on a monthly basis. The fund aims to buy out local real estate on strategic positions and convert it to public spaces that all inhabitants can enjoy.
People could vote on project proposals to prioritize what the fund goes for first. Even in a ghetto apartment building, people could buy out units where gangs hang out and turn them into daycare centers for their children. When the fund manages to buy out all apartments, a building could be demolished and turned into a park.
In time, such areas would be reshaped to maximize the quality of life and the feel-good vibe.
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