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Preserve freedom of speech by introducing a mandatory IQ test for public speakers

Image credit: Miguel Henriques / unsplash.com

Shaman Music Channel
Shaman Music Channel Jan 15, 2021
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Inteoducing a mandatory IQ test and obligate public speaker to display ir will provide a filter for the public on whether the opinions esperssed come from a high efficient problem solving mind or not .
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General comments

Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
Limiting people from public speaking based on IQ doesn't sound right (censorship). However, if you meant to suggest that politicians (people who represent others) should be vetted based on IQ, I would suggest we include vetting for empathy, various personality disorders, etc. If astronauts have to be healthy to perform their job, so should our representatives.
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Shaman Music Channel
Shaman Music Channel4 years ago
Darko Savic not limiting They could say anything but people listening would have a filter knowing his score
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Shaman Music Channel
Shaman Music Channel4 years ago
And Of course Any data relating their mental health as Few Of them have tremendous distructive power
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
Shaman Music Channel I understand that this is aimed at protecting the people from being manipulated into feuds and war by destructive individuals. In principle, this could be useful but we always have to consider the big picture - are there any downsides to this? A system where specific personality traits are used to discredit people might backfire and create the opposite effect. For example, what if people with low IQ want a leader with low IQ, etc. This could result in IQ wars:)

Also, people with all sorts of traits that would be seen in a bad light have the potential to bring something amazing to the world. History is full of breakthroughs that came from unexpected minds. The same is true for people who seem perfectly functional - then one day something happens and they go on a killing spree.

I propose another solution. This video describes the root of the problem https://youtu.be/7LqaotiGWjQ and this project aims to solve it: https://www.civilizationresearchinstitute.org/our-projects
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Dragan Otasevic
Dragan Otasevic4 years ago
Maybe a mandatory psychological evalluation as a prerequisite to be elected into any public office. Check the candidate's empathy and sincerity before they are eligible to be voted for.
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