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A first-person shooter game where you are the only one armed and nobody deserves to get shot

Image credit: Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Aug 06, 2021
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A first-person shooter game where you are the only one with a gun and everyone else is kind to each other. If you shoot someone, their whole life flashes in front of your eyes. You find out they were a good person and get to see all the good deeds they did. You also get to see all the mourning and pain you created.

You as the main character show up fully armed as you would in any other shooter game. Only the world is full of kind people and there are no situations that warrant any shooting. You can talk to people. Sometimes they ask for your help. You can offer to help them do something. I haven't thought the plot through yet.

The game is basically a trap. You have all these guns. Occasionally, you see someone that looks stereotypically threatening (but really isn't). If you shoot them, you find out that they didn't deserve it. You eventually realize that there is no need to walk around with all the military gear because there are just normal people everywhere. Just because you have the power, do you have to use it?

A lot more thought can be put into this concept and make it a fun game with a good story. The guns/trap can be added as an extra lesson.
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A game that involves resolving conflicts

Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello Aug 27, 2021
A game where one has to resolve conflicts or they will lose points and have to watch the aftermath of their decisions when they fail to resolve the conflicts. Such a game will help players improve their strategic thinking.

To resolve conflicts, one will usually have to view things from other parties' perspectives. They will also need to pay attention to the emotional tendencies of the characters in the game. That way the players will be more conscious of how their decisions affect other people in real life too.
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Good approach for convict rehabilitation

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Aug 30, 2021
Prisons could host play stations where the convicts spend at least some amount of specified time playing this game. The difficulty of the game should change based on the convict changing (improving) behavior. For example, the decisions that the convict needs to take during the game should become harder, less objective, and less black-and-white as the game progresses. They should try to diffuse any tense situation using just their conversational skills even though they carry weapons. No use of the weapons for a day/ week and still maintaining peace should give them more points. The game could be coupled with counseling sessions that interpret the game and convey the rationale correctly to the convicts. The convicts should be able to speak to the counselor regarding the moral dilemmas they faced in the game and how they could solve them better. May be the counselor could have access to the gaming profiles.

To discourage them from killing innocent people in the game, the game results may be translated to their real-life. For example, the convicts who make a quick improvement in the game may get a sweet with their meals or a special dish or slightly more visiting hours. I am not sure whether there should be punishments for purposely killing more and more innocents in the game.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
For convicts, there could be a more subtle game where some people deserve to be shot but others very obviously don't. That way they don't suspect it's a setup to assess their behavior.

They could even be let to play various already made, suitable games. Their screens could be monitored to detect behavior that indicates a high likelihood of recidivism. This seems like a new idea worthy of posting.
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General comments

Spook Louw
Spook Louw4 years ago
You could add even more moral challenges to the game. Players could have the option of stealing, lying, killing, fighting and intimidating, but if they choose to make use of any of these capabilities, they will be punished and subsequently lose the game.
When I first saw this idea, I thought that it might not be fun to play, but there is definitely a genre for these types of games. I personally own and play Everything - https://youtu.be/JYHp8LwBUzo and Papers, Please - https://youtu.be/_QP5X6fcukM both games that seem like they should be boring, but aren't.

It would all depend on how well the game is written, but I think it could be very cool.
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Povilas S
Povilas S4 years ago
Great idea! Implementing such games (at least one for starters) is a good creative way to balance things out regarding the game cruelty and the adverse psychological effects that they bring, especially to underaged people.
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Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello4 years ago
Povilas S If some people still played it just to shoot at unarmed and innocent characters so that they would see the lives of those people flash before their eyes? The game might end up being perverted so that people now derive pleasure from killing innocent characters. It may be better to set up a scenario where people have to clean up or rebuild a civilization after a war so that they are familiarized with the after-effects of war and learn more reasons to avoid unnecessary violence. This can be done as a single game or mixed between stages of first-person shooter games.

There are games that have neutral characters like hostages and passers-by so that the players lose some of their progress or some game points every time they shoot at someone innocent. I believe such games are better suited to making video games balanced from a psychological point of view.
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Povilas S
Povilas S4 years ago
Samuel Bello Could be. It probably depends on a person. To me, it seemed like it would work, because I'm not prone to cruel games in the first place, but for someone who enjoys the cruelty it could be just another fun thing to do as you point out. Although this would be already a bit perverted type of enjoyment as you said, it takes a person who truly enjoys the cruelty in its purest form (without the element of revenge or fighting/self-defense).

Most shooter games (and perhaps most video games in general) are designed in a way that the cruelty is being justified (you fight for your team or yourself, shoot the bad guys, etc.). In a real-life war, cruelty is also justified by the same mechanism. Reforming the circumstances in a game to eliminate that justification seems like a good approach. I think most people would get at least some waking up of their conscience when shooting innocent people in a game that's specifically designed to emphasize their innocence (at least I hope so). Of course, the fact that it's a game adds another justification, but games simulate reality, so for your psychology the difference is not that big.

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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
I think such a game couldn't fix or reinforce psychopathy/sociopathy. For a person that enjoys shooting innocent people that train has already gone.
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