Whenever a user attempts to download media from the internet they are often issued the standard copy-right warning. Most platforms will deny the downloading or copying of copyrighted content. Many frustrated users have such urgency or desire to use copy-righted material they simply remove copy-rights or use cloning technology to remove copy-rights, and unfortunately bring legal trouble on themselves. The software idea I am proposing will turn the simple warning to not use copyrighted content into an offer to buy copyrighted content I intend to hire a software developer to create software that auto publishes a platform shown with EVERY copyright notice issued. The platform would present offers to sell the copyrighted media in question or to sell the desired portion of the media. The platform would feature movie selling sites like Netflix, Cinemax, and Youtube where the movie, songs, or articles are listed for sale at that site's regular price. The platform would also feature a movie splitter. Users can cut a preselected number of minutes or seconds of the movie according to the rules of the Fair Use Law. Minuets cut from the movies will be sold at price preselected by the copy right owner during the copyright registration process. This software turns a copyright warning into a sellers platform.
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