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Electrically Charged Flavors for Food

Image credit: https://unsplash.com/@altair_arts

Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello Jul 23, 2021
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The taste of food plays a big role in the kind of foods we consume. For people who do not have any pressing health issues, it can play a bigger role than the nutritional components of the food. Since the tongue and other parts of the mouth are sensitive to electricity. This idea proposes the use of electricity-based flavors and the development of procedures that involve electrically charging food products as a cooking process.

A possible approach to manufacturing electrically charged flavors is to embed different sides of small grains of edible insulators with small electric charges that will get neutralized to produce small currents that can be sensed by the tongue when they are eaten. The insulating material will be something that dissolves in the mouth or liberates the charges when crushed by chewing.

Some foods that are layered can have alternating layers covered in alternating charges so that the charges are neutralized when the food is eaten.

Candies can have charges embedded on different parts to produce a similar effect when it is consumed. Electrical glazing of food can be developed as a standard process for treating foods too.

Another possible use of electric charges is to use them to heat canned foods. The charges are stored in small capacitors that are placed in the can so that they are neutralized when the can is opened to generate heat. This form of heating can improve the appeal of canned foods like ramen and some cereals that usually have to be taken with warm water.
Creative contributions

first base use ideas

Michael Liu Sep 09, 2021
Kids would love this idea. I think snack food conglomerates would be the most likely to try this initially in all their kids party food. Other than that, approaching a Heston Blumenthal type of chef would be worth while.
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General comments

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
Samuel Bello The last paragraph of your session text is a different idea and is equally good. You may want to convert it into a separate one.

The idea of electrically charged flavors is good. I am not sure how easily you will be able to implement it. For once, taste sensors for different tastes are located on different regions on your tongue. Would that mean that the electrical stimulation needs to be spatially regulated? Will something that you crush to initiate an electrical charge using your molars cause a feeling of a sweet taste (since sweet taste sensors are locate at the tip of the the tongue)? This is because unlike the taste molecules that stay in your mouth until you swallow them, the electrical charge will go off very quickly. Will that quick charge need to go off at the tip of the tongue to cause a feeling of sweet taste?

Also, how do you electrically incorporate different tastes in the same grains?
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Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello4 years ago
Shubhankar Kulkarni,

Okay, I will expatiate on that idea, thanks.

It does not mean that the electrical stimulation needs to be spatially regulated. An important point to take note of is that; the electricity is not a taste but a sensation. Just like pepper can be sensed by most parts of the mouth, electricity can be sensed by most parts of the mouth too. Even the inside of the cheeks can sense electric current. The only thing that has to be regulated is the magnitude of the electric charges. It has to be regulated so that no part of the mouth is irritated by the electric charges.

For the idea to work, the food materials have to be insulators so that they hold some electricity up till when they are swallowed. For crunchy materials, the electric charges do not get dissipated until they are dissolved in saliva so the electric sensation will be sensed until the food in your mouth is completely dissolved.

The electrical sensations from the grains can be controlled by varying the distribution of the electric charges. For example, if the electric charges are embedded by directing a beam of electrons at the food. The duration that the beam is directed at a particular point on the food can be varied to give different sensations. The closeness of the different points that the beams are directed at can also be varied to give different intensities of electrical sensations.
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