Help non-profits focusing on animal welfare collect funds for their operations.
It's basically a hybrid of an idea I had to gamify the process of donating by basing the action of doing so on the model that Tamagotchi was built on and the Big Brother television show. Upon reflection, I also realize that it resembles the way streamers make money on various online platforms already, but I don't think it has been done exactly like I am proposing.
The idea is to simply have cameras filming the animals in the care of the organization and streaming it online. But apart from having a camera on the animal or animals, there would also be a camera focusing on the storage area, medicine cabinet, the cages/pens in which the recovering or diseased animals are kept, etc.
Followers would be able to access any of these streams on different screens.
Each of these screens would also show relevant information such as the amounts needed, the reserves, information about upcoming expenses or renovations, top supporters, etc.
In this way, people can get to know the animals they are paying to be cared for, keep the organizations accountable, see the actual difference their contributions make and feel much more involved in the entire process.
This system could be run like any Patreon or crowdfunding system where donors can choose what exactly they are donating for, and different amounts will earn donors different rewards, like badges, photos, calendars, naming privileges, etc.
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