Viewpoint binoculars on a rotating turret. When directed below the horizon people can "see" through Earth via google maps and street view
Image credit: Hero Party
Darko SavicApr 06, 2022
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Viewpoint binoculars on a turret. You strap yourself into the seat and rotate it with joysticks. When facing the ground, you see through Earth as if it was transparent via Google Maps/Street view.
A fun way to explore the world.
Get a better feel for the world's geography.
Can be turned into a vending machine where people pay to play with the machine.
How it works
A rotating seat with powerful binoculars. You strap yourself into the seat and use joysticks to rotate in any direction.
The viewfinder is digital. It's connected to powerful binoculars that can zoom all the way to telescope level resolution.
As soon as your direction tilts below horizon, the image switches to google earth and street view option. You see the place that would be in your line of sight if the Earth was transparent.
Example: You are in Geece, looking at Google street view in New York.
As soon as you tilt the seat back up, to face a direction above horizon, the view switches to binoculars. When you're facing the sky, the view switches to a powerful telescope.
The binoculars and telescope are mounted on the gyrosopic/rotating turret.
The idea was inspired by this one. Specifically it's a solution to the problem mentioned in J. Nikola's comment.
It could also be cool to look through the binoculars and see the area in front of you as it looked in the past or what it might look like in the future.
Whether this is an AI-generated representation or actual footage from the past.
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Type in coordinates or an address
Darko SavicApr 07, 2022
You could also type in the coordinates or an address and the machine would point you in that direction
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General comments
Goran Radanovic3 years ago
It would be cool if the binoculars could record everything you see. You stick a flash disk into the side of the binoculars and then experience the ride later again on your computer or TV.