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Affiliate ideation platform

Image credit: Photo by Joey Kyber from Pexels

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Aug 04, 2021
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Bounty for the best solution

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Bounties attract serious brainpower to the challenge.

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The idea was inspired by @Darko's Repository of stuff that is likely to spark novel ideas in people.

The idea is to build a platform where users can post their ideas (just like on brainstorming.com). However, each new inspired idea is linked to the idea it was inspired by. For example, since the current idea was inspired by Darko's idea, it will be linked to it as its "daughter idea". The further ideas that spark from the current idea will be linked and form a chain of ideas. Whenever a downstream daughter idea receives a bounty, it will trickle down to the original idea, thereby paying all the ideators that helped with the process and not just the final idea that won the bounty. The benefit of the process is that the ideators keep receiving money for an idea they conceived a decade ago.

This solves the problem of ideators not getting paid enough (Reference: Contribution "How do I make money selling my ideas?" from the session "What do creative thinkers struggle with?").

Every new ideator who posts an idea can link it to its parent idea or multiple parent ideas. Depending upon the percent overlap with the parent idea, a part of the bounty goes to the immediate parent. The overlap percentage will be decided while posting the idea. The overlap percentage can be suggested by the user posting the daughter idea and it needs to be approved by the author of the parent idea. If the author disapproves, moderators may get involved to solve the conflict.

Problems that may arise on such a platform:
  1. Ideators do not link their idea to a parent idea to prevent the sharing of the bounty: To tackle this, moderators could judge the novelty of the idea and estimate the overlap with an existing idea on the platform. If the overlap is over a certain limit, the idea will be deemed as the daughter idea, irrespective of what the author states. Also, to motivate ideators to link their ideas to other parent ideas, ideas that are linked pay the minimum or no fees to the platform. The authors of the standalone ideas pay the maximum fees when they collect their bounty. A non-disclosed overlap can be flagged by other users who think that the new idea overlaps with theirs. Any other ways in which it could be handled better?
  2. Any other problems you see with this idea? I will keep updating this list based on the contributions.
Also, do suggest improvements to the idea.
Creative contributions

Unintentional non-referencing

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Aug 04, 2021
The more ideas that get posted, the higher the chance that people won't see everything and will occasionally come up with similar ideas. In such cases, no credit would be provided to an earlier overlapping idea because the author was not aware of its existence. How should this be handled?
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D. Eagle4 years ago
Darko Savic, possibly by "inescapable" AI capture and trasparent/open "ideation-tree" representation, as proposed below.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
I guess this is the problem faced by most similar organizations. That is probably the reason why patenting institutions take a lot of time to evaluate your idea/ product and check if no such thing has been patented earlier. I am not aware of the tools they use. But whatever they use could be used by us since the scenarios are very similar.

The patenting institutions have a set of questions that the author needs to address objectively before filing the patent. The comprehensiveness of these questions will ease the process of identifying existing duplicates. On the other hand, more questions will complicate the process for the author. The author might require more time and energy to extract information from their product to address the questions. This is acceptable for the authors, currently, while filing for a patent since there is more value (monetary and otherwise) attached to the patent. The authors may not go through the pain of addressing all the questions to the best of their abilities for posting an idea on an open ideation platform since the value of their post decreases due to the "openness" of the platform. Nonetheless, an acceptable amount of questions for the authors may help us relatively quickly match the idea with the existing ones.

The questions should include tags that the ideas are attached to. The other input can be keywords from the text (read using AI) and matched with the existing posts.
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Platform Driven by AI and "Ideation-Tree" (Grand Daughter/Child)

D. Eagle Aug 12, 2021
nkar Kulkarni, excellent and well-thoughtout idea. Brainstorming.com could, in fact, be that pioneering platform or its parent, with this proposed solution in mind.

The key is the original “Repository” concept (grand parent), where ideas and real solutions are generated, registered, organised and represented with minimal human intervention and maximum transparency and openness - a sort of creative blockchain.

So, a platform driven by AI and "ideation-tree" could resolve the problems identified. The AI/machine learning removes the fallibility of human judgment and "ideation-tree” provides the visual transparency, showing parents, daughters/children, grand children, other offsprings, "parallel relatives”, etc.

When an idea is published on the platform, the AI scans all systems (internet, IP registry, etc) to determine its uniqueness and represent it on the "ideation-tree”.

This removes the issue of "creative avoidance" (viewing without publishing) in the sense that any resultant solution/product would eventually be captured by the AI and "tree", showing source-flow and relationship with the platform/idea, through the medium of membership, for instance.

Solution to Other Problems

Any subsequent idea and solution flowing from the parent idea would be shown on the tree … and so on. The inherent problems identified in your piece could be solved as follows:

Problem 1

Intellectual Distribution
  • Establish a mechanism of intellectual ownership and remuneration distribution, depending on the degree of creative remoteness from the preceding idea or solution - complex, but soluble (including unwritten collaborative rule).
  • So, this proposed solution could be a grand daughter/child of Darko Savic's (DS's) original idea (grand parent) and daughter/child of Shubhankar Kulkarni's (SK's) evolution/contribution (parent).
  • The distribution of this solution's intellectual ownership/remuneration attributed to SK and DS could proportionately be measured and remunerated by how remote (or not) it is from the parent idea and grand parent idea.
  • It could be based on a "wave/ripple-effect system", where the immediate idea is the active point and associated intellectual distribution radiates from that point. Each idea/contribution would generate its own wave system to form intercoonected systems with interference points. Each point represents a value of the proportionate share of the active/source intellectual rights. As mentioned earlier, complex, but soluble.
Democratic Control and Adjudication
  • An AI system supported by tiered human panels of moderators and “judges". Any unresolved issue flagged up by the AI would be handled by the first-tier crowd-moderators.
  • The general consensus of the crowd is appealable to the upper panel of “judges".
  • The decision of the “judges", including individual approving and dissenting opinions are fed back to the AI for processing, machine learning and “final" decision (not necessarily binding to the appellant/parties, but the "unwritten rule of creative collaboration" could take precedence).
  • Continued AI machine learning to preserve the sanctity of creative collaboration, universal access to intellectual property and benefit to society.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
D. Eagle great ideas. I will take some time to think about them.

Take a look at the first version - a step in this direction that is currently in the works: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XgL1Ow7pJCj-2GIJA6Bpym1MV_JW-Lzz8uR56xTCjXo/edit
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D. Eagle4 years ago
Darko Savic, looking promising. A basic website wireframe/model could be instrumental in due course.
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General comments

Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
This is pretty much exactly what we have planned for a near-future update. Except the bounties are currently envisioned to work differently from what you describe.

What you describe would work for tips - if someone receives a $ tip, some of it could trickle upstream to people who inspired the tip-receiving idea.

Bounties are posted ahead of ideation and come with a set of rules. They are localized to a specific brainstorming session. All ideas generated within that session compete for the bounty.

On the 2nd thought, I see your point. There would be scenarios such as:
People compete for a bounty and post an average idea. Someone else comes along, uses that idea as the base of their thought process, and comes up with something much better. The 3rd person sees that and morphs it into something amazing that ends up winning the bounty. The winner wouldn't have gotten there without the other two ideas. They all deserve a cut of the prize. This is something we will have to figure out.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni4 years ago
Darko Savic Yes, the earlier ideas may inspire the new ones. On the other hand, the new authors may claim that they had thought of it earlier. It would be great if we could achieve an optimum. I guess the other platforms that pledge bounties for ideas avoid all of this by not disclosing the submitted entries. We don't want to encourage that since openness is our priority.

As you suggested, we can start the "trickle payment system" with the tips initially. We can then install an improved version for the bounties based on the feedback we get.
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D. Eagle4 years ago
Darko Savic, there's also the added broader issue, where an idea is taken from the platform, developed and patented outside the platform, of course.

The proposed "all-encompassing" AI capture and "ideation-tree" could cover all grounds, including intellectual rights distribution - based on an established logical, statistical, etc rule/principle or "wave system", as suggested earlier.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic4 years ago
based on my limited understanding of the patenting process, I think the act of posting it online prior to patenting makes any product/process unpatentable

Our long-term goal is to figure out a way to make patenting obsolete. People should be able to make money sharing their ideas https://brainstorming.com/a-marketplace-for-ideas/438

Maybe in time we come up with better ways of achieving this
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D. Eagle4 years ago
Darko Savic, in terms of what constitutes an IP, "idea" and its process/application are two distinctly different things. An "idea" itself is not patentable in any event. What's patentable is the process/application inherent in the idea.

For example, an idea about having a box (now flat panel) that somehow shows events at a remote location is not patentable, but inventing how the idea could work in practice or in theory, is patentable - hence TV patent.

Put specifically in context, the brainstorming.com idea isn't patentable or otherwise registrable (business idea), but the various technical components that make it work and unique are, including patent, trade mark, etc.

However, any given patent, etc isn't sacrosanct. An improvement of the original patent/IP could be deemed unique and therefore patentable/registrable. This is to allow universal access to continued technological improvements.
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