Take a series of small changes to the platform in order to artify the ideas and make the part of the public who aren't ideators or serial ideators flock to it and engage. Raising the platform's overall popularity and by proxy having more ideators and sponsors hear about it.
The key idea here is that most popular platform websites have two sections of users: the creators and then the viewers, who still participate to a lesser degree.
Promote the platform by having additional functions that would enable non-ideators to feel like they are contributing and are valued.
Add prestige to ideas and ideators (they are performers)
Raise engagement on pages.
Increase feel-good chemicals release in ideators with an attempt to introduce an audience section (dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline, oxytocin).
Lower the participation curve.
The initial spark for ideas was the that I noticed how on IMDB even overall unknown movies have 500 reviews or so. And those reviews induce a bit of effort after all, and most people are posting anonymous, and yet they still do it.
As of now, the guidelines are to comment on Brainstorming.com when you're adding value to the idea and people are concious about it. Which should remain the case because of clutter and spam. But I argue we should add a third comments section, or "note section" where people can post their non-innovative thoughts on the idea. Whether it be stories that prove the need for an idea, the review of it (likes/dislikes), or just jokes.
The majority of Reddit and YouTube comments are people making jokes to the posts. And these are powerhouse platforms.
Encouraging reviews? Maybe by having more than a like or dislike. Like giving a ten or five star rating. With 3.5 and 4.5 as options then.
An AI making the image of the proposed idea as we proposed is another way.
Maybe by immediately NFT.ying the idea. The platform and the creator split the profits on the idea's NFT being sold. I know nothing about this though.
Having merchandise for each idea? Especially if the AI image producing comes to life.
What else? What are some other ways to artify ideas and the platform?