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Bars that let you pay for your drink with an original idea

Image credit: Getty Images, Istockphoto

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Apr 29, 2022
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Bounty for the best solution

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Bounties attract serious brainpower to the challenge.

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Bars that let people pay for their drinks by coming up with original ideas and sharing them with the world. The sponsor handles the verification of originality and reimburses the bar for the drinks.
  • A fun activity/challenge for people in bars.
  • A brainstorming starter for a group of friends when they try to get out of paying.
  • Tons of new ideas become available for everyone. Some can potentially make the world a better place.
  • An advertisement campaign for a sponsor that wants to attract creative people.
How it works
A sponsor like the Brainstorming platform teams up with various bars worldwide. They make it possible for anyone to pay for their drink by sharing an original idea with the world.
The idea can be used instead of money if it meets the following criteria:
  • original (conceptually meaningfully different from what already exists or has been described before)
  • explained in a way that the bartender can understand
  • useful to someone (explain how it solves a problem for them)
  • sounds feasible
As soon as possible, the bar posts all collected ideas on the open Brainstorming platform and credits them to the original ideators (if they want to be named). In so doing, the ideas become public with attribution to the original ideator.
Originality check
The bartender goes online and describes the idea on the Brainstorming #slack. Any of the many ideators there do quick searches on Google and reply with references if they find that the idea/concept already exists.
It's in the sponsor's best interest to always have good people present on the "idea verification" slack. They have to research fast. They may need to hire professional researchers if there aren't enough volunteers present at all times.
The bartender might be too busy to do any research him/herself or even describe the idea via text. In that case they post a voice memo in the chat for people there to research.
Free drink
If within 5 minutes neither the brainstormers, researchers, or the bartender (via google) can find the idea as already existing in the proposed form, the person gets a free drink of their choice.
Creative contributions

Users on the platform can win a drink in the local Brainstorming bar

jnikola May 01, 2022
Instead of or along with BTC bounties, what if users (winners and the others) were rewarded with free drinks in bars that have the Brainstorming badge (as Goran Radanovic mentioned in the comment)?
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Povilas S
Povilas S2 years ago
It would be nice if all the participants of the bounty session could get a free drink at the bar marked with the brainstorming badge. To exclude the worthless contributions, the contribution should be either approved by the moderators or the bounty creator as being decent.
Once your contribution gets approved, you get a notification and a free drink ticket with a QR code. You then present the QR code to the bartender and take your drink. Drinks are handed per person, not per contribution, to only serve as a symbolic incentive and not to encourage drinking.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic2 years ago
Povilas S it would be cool if this platform had a deal with multinational chains such as Starbucks, Hooters, etc. where people could then do as you say
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Povilas S
Povilas S2 years ago
Darko Savic Yes, but I wonder what the chains would get from this. We'd have to pay them then or maybe advertise the chains on the platform. On the other hand, the ability to get a free drink at a specific place for doing something cool is kind of an advertisement for that place already.
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Making the system more simple

Povilas S
Povilas S Jun 02, 2022
I think it would make things easier for everyone if the bartenders were allowed to assess the originality of the idea themselves on the spot. The bartenders responsible for this could be better prescreened during the hiring process by the sponsors who would evaluate whether the person is a suitable link between the bar customers and an ideation platform. Those bartenders would then wear brainstorming badges and preferably get monetary incentives from the sponsor for doing what they do.
If the idea for the bartender sounded good and original enough, they could give a drink back instantly, if there was any doubt, they could do a quick web search on their phone and if that gave no similar results, give a drink then. Some ideas might end up discarded upon closer inspection afterwards, but since they were only paid with a single free drink this shouldn't be a big loss.
Since bars are usually busy places it might be a good idea to limit the "pay for your drink with an original idea" initiative to certain hours when there are usually less people and the bartenders can give more time and attention to better listen to and assess the ideas.
Since the ideas would have to be somehow saved to be reviewed later, the bartenders would have to either quickly, but descriptively write them down or record the conversation between themselves and the idea giving client. The latter could be done with a bartender's smartphone after asking for consent from the client.
Alternatively, the bartenders could write down and pass on to the ideation platform only the best ideas. If the idea is great, you usually remember it, there's no need even to write it down. However, all the good-enough ideas would preferably still be incentivized by free drinks just to keep the process going.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic2 years ago
The bartenders could dictate the idea to themselves using an app like Otter that auto-transcribes their speech to text. When they have more time they pass the text on to someone for review
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Povilas S
Povilas S2 years ago
Darko Savic This is a double job, because the bartender would have to rephrase the idea again when the customer already dictated it him/herself. You'd also loose some original details in the process. The conversation about the idea would likely go back and forth between the bartender and the customer for some time, this is an important part to be recorded as well.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic2 years ago
Povilas S You're right. In that case, when the person is ready to share their idea, they dictate it into the bartender's phone app. The bartender asks some sub-questions if necessary, to make the idea clear. Then the entire transcription with the audio file goes to the platform's team for review.
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General comments

Miloš Stanković
Miloš Stanković2 years ago
This would work even better with marijuana bars, like the ones in Amsterdam. It would be a far more fertile ground for idea flow. Yet, it would require a really tolerant bartender as stoner ideas can often be frustratingly bad as often as they are originally awesome.
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Goran Radanovic
Goran Radanovic2 years ago
Could work. The bar would have to kit out the place with Brainstorming's signage, barman wearing Brainstorming t-shirts and participants have to post their ideas on social media to promote Brainstorming.
People associate brands with experiences and feelings. If you combine your brand with many people's favourite hobby (drinking), they're likely to think of it whenever they want a drink.
They might say, "Let's go to that Brainstorming bar place."
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