The reader strives to extract the useful info wrapped in a bunch of text. As a writer, the more wrapping you provide, the more work the reader has to go through to get to the info. Why make it hard on them?
Consider that your contribution will not be the only one. The more everyone wraps (beautify, embellish, make sound smart or poetic) their info, the higher the overall percentage of noise and the poorer the reader's experience.
The info is the magnet for the reader. All the wrapping is the author shining through their content. A writer's equivalent of posting a selfie on Instagram.
We people strive to put our foot down, build a reputation, identity, a place in society. if we are writers, how else are we going to do it? There is a way.
By cutting the wrapping and boosting the signal, you assume the role of informational mother Theresa.
Remove yourself from the info. Aim to condense everything you have to say into an abstract. Providing amazing info adds up. After reading your contribution people's first thought should be "wow, thank you!". This can't always be achieved, but you can strive toward it.
Be informational mother Theresa:)