I want to start this session with the definition of the Ecological niche: " Ecological niche is a term for the position of a species within an ecosystem, describing both the range of conditions necessary for the persistence of species and its ecological role in the ecosystem". The hope of the session is also to collect feedback from both the Brainstorming team taking care of the website but also from the users reading the content.
Like a new living being, Brainstorming - as a new platform - should locate itself in the "jungle" of other more established platforms. When I think about the Brainstorming platform, I can't help to draw connections for example to Quora or Researchgate. The former in particular:
has a similar " Questions and Answers " based system
gathers experts from different fields
questions can give rise to more branched discussions, like a brainstorming indeed
So, considering that there is no lack of competitors out there, the first question is:
Once that this is established, then the question should evolve in:
what features are unique to Brainstorming?
can we envision Brainstorming as a tool that you would use together with Quora? For example, translating a question on Quora in a "brainstormable session" here and maybe bring the final discussion back on Quora. This would somehow reduce the competition with similar platforms and maybe even synergise with them.
By defining the "niche" of Brainstorming in respective of other platforms we may also better define the audience: layman vs rocky scientists.
To this end, would it beneficial to have a questionnaire to be filled up by the visitors, before being able to access the website? The questions provided should serve the purpose to understand the background of the user. In the long run, we may understand not only how many people sign in, but whether they are for most scientists.
If this is the case, should we try to keep a medium-high standard in our content? Cause, experienced scientists may be put off by content tailored to laymen audiences and instead opt for Researchgate or PubMed.
So, to retain a scientific audience we should prove high-quality material that can be comparable to what you would read in a post in Resrarchgate or Scientific Journal for Example. My questions to you are:
what feature may render Brainstorming unique?
to what type of audiences would you recommend Brainstorming and why?
how Brainstoming may be used together with other platforms to promote knowledge sharing?
Where in the internet jungle should Brainstorming make a place for itself?
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Please leave the feedback on this idea
Please leave the feedback on this idea