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The use of ads in educating the public

Image credit: https://unsplash.com/@anthonyrosset

Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello Dec 25, 2022
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It is easy to see the extreme lengths that marketers sometimes go through to get their ads to their audience. These adverts can be aggressive, disruptive, and very annoying sometimes. Now imagine if education or knowledge was spread with that much vigour, this will result in a more educated community and eventually, a better environment too. Since ads are usually unique and hard to forget, I believe that any thing that is learnt through this channel is going to be hard to forget.
One way to achieve this is to pass laws or policies that compel all marketers to include something educative in every one of their adverts. When possible, the educative bit of knowledge that is included should be changed after being displayed many times to avoid staleness.
This can be improved further by constructing a national ad syllabus where the marketers can chose topics or their preferred niches from. The ad syllabus can cover a bit of history, geographical trivia, nutritional and culinary facts, health and safety tips, and any other type of information that is not too common and can be appreciated by the whole population.
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Manditory 50 days of educational ads per year

Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni Dec 26, 2022
Every billboard and electronic advert should display educational content for at least 50 days a year. The owners can select the dates so that their business is not hurt. They can use non-festive days.
The educational topics could range from precautions to take during the pandemic to showcasing exercise routines to explaining who won the Nobel and what was their contribution.
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Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello2 years ago
That would be nice too. Though a problem that may come up with this method is that some people may ignore the ads when they notice that its motif is purely educative. I suggested that they should be combined with the ads because ads are colourful and entertaining so the educative information is easier to remember because of the flashy media it was associated with during learning. If the educative and marketing ads are displayed on separate days then some of the benefits of combining education and marketing into a single ad will be lost.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni2 years ago
Samuel Bello I get it. You mean something like this? Ads that share some kind of information that may or may not be promoting the product in the ad to some extent.
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Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello2 years ago
Shubhankar Kulkarni Exactly! That's the of thing I had in mind. Just that it would be made compulsory for all ads by law.
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A hoarding board displaying memes!

Subash Chapagain
Subash Chapagain Dec 27, 2022
I have already in other sessions mentioned some ideas about memes and how they can be used in a variety of interesting ways. Memes can store value and can be a pedagogical tool. Here, the idea is to use a regular hoarding board to display memes. Images, videos. The tweak is that they are constantly displaying memes created by the general population! The best memes are displayed randomly, and the creators are rewarded fairly for the fitness of their memes! There should be a cut-off 'number' of memes displayed within a certain time frame. It can be optimized as more data is gathered. Should not take long to figure out. Memes are catchy and very economical in terms of attention span. They grab and let go of our attention in a concise time. Memes are in fact a bag of ideas that contains other ideas, and they can be perfectly fitted for short periods. You're running late for the office and you're using hoarding boards as your landmarks as you rush through the crowd to the station on time. You see a meme on the hoarding board as you rush, and you laugh at the meme.
The point is: everyone's in a hurry, and if you can create a funny meme that makes people smile and connect different ideas in their short, redundant times, your meme has real value!
Which memes to look for?
This should be easy. We can use hashtags, to start with. We can also use a login-based competition where anyone, from anywhere, post their memes.
Which format of content? It is also a matter of choice. It is up to the developers and users: it could be a photo, video, text?


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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni2 years ago
The idea is good. How would you monetize it? I mean, someone needs to pay for the best citizen meme to go up there. Who will pay? And could that someone pay more than companies that have a huge marketing budget?
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General comments

jnikola2 years ago
The idea is great and I definitely would rather look at the fun and educating ads than simple billboards with the Coca-Cola slogans. Here, I just want to pinpoint certain things that could be important.
Consider the location of educative ads
Imagine driving a car on a highway next to a billboard that tries to educate you about something. It could be dangerous. In this context, ads should be simple enough to learn you something, send a message, and do all of this in a blink of an eye. On the other hand, waiting for a bus is a much safer way to learn something than driving a car. This means that educational material should be location and context-specific.
Define what's educative and what's not
You mentioned state laws or policies, Shubhankar Kulkarni mentioned 50 days of obligatory ads, ... these are very nice suggestions, but how would you define what's educational and what's not? Imagine advertising a new pineapple juice. "The falling ananas kills 200 people annually" is not equally important as "the pineapple speeds up recovery after surgery or strenuous exercise". Not defining this properly could lead up to creative ways of delivering "knowledge" at every step.
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni2 years ago
J. Nikola I agree, even if the information benefits the marketing strategy of the product, it needs to share some information with the viewers. We need some guidelines to call a content piece "educational". That could probably be another session.
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