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The use of Haptic Feedback Panels to let you Learn and Execute movements better

Image credit: https://unsplash.com/@adrianaceves

Samuel Bello
Samuel Bello Aug 02, 2021
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Haptics is the science that involves the use of touch to convey and interpret information. We propose the use of multiple panels that can be worn as bands. These bands can exert a slight push or pull force on the wearer so that the wearer performs the desired action thoughtlessly and intuitively.

This type of haptic feedback can be used to teach the wearer a dance or movement pattern that he has not seen before in a few minutes, or in teaching martial arts and other physical sports more effectively. Since the bands do not simply guide the wearer, they also sense his movement and can record the wearer's 3D model in real time, they make it easier to correct mistakes that could be missed by even an experienced coach.

This type of haptic feedback system will improve the sports sector since the use of AI in coaching will become more realistic. Another advantage is that someone could coach a set of athletes from a distant country and still do it as well as they would coach the athletes if they were there in person. This will reduce the cost of training athletes while increasing the accessibility of high-quality trainers. It can also reduce the risk of sports injuries since the system can be set to warn the user when they put too much stress on some parts of their body. The haptic systems can be used to teach children how to walk at an early stage. They also get to learn good posture intuitively. It will also increase accessibility to medical supervision for people that are recovering from physical injuries since the doctors do not have to be around and their loved ones can be allowed to do some of the physiotherapy procedures with he guidance of haptic feedback systems.

The level of precision that tasks like surgery, massage or even hair making will be executed will become much higher and there will be less wasteful movement. Fatigue will also have a smaller effect on workers' efficiencies. The importance of talent in fields that require high psychomotor intelligence will be reduced and being hardworking will be more valued in our communities.
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Haptic Feedback to improve muscle memory

Manel Lladó Santaeularia
Manel Lladó Santaeularia Aug 02, 2021
One of the main problems sports players have to deal with is the difficulty of performing some motions with precision and reproducibility. I am thinking about tennis serves, free-kick shots in soccer or long-distance shots in basketball. These motions involve throwing a ball with a very measured amount of strenght and with a very precise direction in order to achieve the optimal result. The only way to achieve the necessary accuracy is to practice these movements to exhaustion so that the body can get used to them and perform them in an almost instinctive way. That is what we call muscle memory, the ability of our neuro-muscular system to repeat a motion without us really thinking about how exactly we are performing it.

But muscle memory is not easy to establish. The amount of repetition needed to achieve almost-perfect muscle memory is extremely high. As an example, the best shooters in the NBA shoot hundreds if not thousands of shots a day, every day, for years, before they become that good. One of the problems with establishing the muscle memory is the lack of feedback when we do something right or wrong. The athlete can focus too much on the effect of the motion (whether the ball goes in or not), or the "feeling" of it, instead of the technique, often leading to developing bad habits or being inconsistent. Haptic feedback, if well tuned and coupled to a system to measure optimal motion, could be used to give sensory feedback when the movement is being performed wrong. It could even be adapted so that the feedback told the athlete exactly what they are doing wrong, by giving the sensory imput into the part of the body that is not being used properly. For example if a basketball shooter tends to open their shooting elbow too much, the feedback would be on the elbow. Then if they start closing it too much they would receive the feedback on the inner arm.
The haptic feedback could also be used for the correct motion, making the brain associate the correct motion to a positive reinforcement may increase muscle memory consolidation and lead to faster improvement.

I find this a fascinating topic and I look forward to discussing potential implementations on this. For me the crucial thing would be how to measure the accuracy of the movement to be able to give appropriate feedback. Can we get some ideas on that?
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