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A robotic exoskeleton that teaches people how to properly strike, kick, dance, etc.

Image credit: U.S. Bionics

Darko Savic
Darko Savic May 14, 2022
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Exoskeletons that teach people how to correctly strike, kick, dance, and any other skills where mastery requires muscle memory.
  • A fast way to learn new skills.
  • Renting a robotic instructor is more affordable than paying for a human instructor's time.
  • Learn by doing rather than watching/instructions.
How it works
A company that rents out exoskeletons. People pick from a wide range of programs where the exoskeleton teaches the wearer all kinds of useful moves. For example, proper kicking, striking, dancing. What else could it teach?
The exoskeleton comes with 3 external cameras that you place around the perimeter so that they see you from different angles.
You put on the exoskeleton, stand in front of a punching bag and activate the right program.
In the middle of a strike, the program takes over and completes the strike for you. Your hand initiates the movement, your exoskeleton completes it for you. Through repetition, you develop muscle memory. Eventually, you subconsciously perform the same movements as the exoskeleton taught you.
Likewise for dancing with a partner. Configure the exoskeleton with the dance style and you are ready to train with a professional dancer.
Excercising in pairs
2 people wearing exoskeletons can spar in a variety of martial arts, or 2 beginners could learn any dance that is performed in pairs.
Creative contributions

How to stop it from becoming a weapon?

jnikola May 15, 2022
Since it would guide your movements, it needs to apply force. By using force, it makes your punches stronger. Considering all, it seems like an excellent tool for police officers to fight criminals, security guards to protect people in the night club, firefighters to lift heavy things to save people after earthquakes, or similar. How would you stop it from becoming a weapon for gangsters, bullies, or others?
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Or taken a bit further - how will we stop fully independent AI-powered humanoid robot soldiers and riot police when they become a reality and you/we find ourselves among protesters demanding change that isn't in the interest of those instructing the robots?

Once this becomes a reality the whole world turns into a nice-looking cage for humans. Everyone will be one drone away from inspection/harassment/punishment for exercising their freedom to do things that used to be normal not long ago. Normal today, illegal tomorrow - but this time actually enforceable.
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How would the force be produced?

jnikola May 15, 2022
It's really cool idea. I immediately remembered that cool robot suit which you could program to fight or dance, from the movie whose name I cannot remember hahaha (update: Tuxedo is the name; thank you Shubhankar Kulkarni)
The key thing here would be how would the exoskeleton navigate your moves? I understand the cameras would be used to understand which direction your body/body part should move, but how would it move it? Would it apply force on certain joints through bars connected to both bones? How would you make it applicable in all directions?
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Shubhankar Kulkarni
Shubhankar Kulkarni3 years ago
Is Tuxedo the movie?
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
The technology already exists. The proposed idea focuses on a novel use case scenario. You would basically wear a robot that begins to move on its own when it recognizes what you are trying to do.
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jnikola3 years ago
Darko Savic Thanks for the link. It works just the way I imagined. The knees only get support on one axis. "How would you add another axis of movement" or "how would you apply it on other joints that can move in almost all directions" would be a better question.
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General comments

Goran Radanovic
Goran Radanovic3 years ago
It could help toddlers to walk and perhaps assist the elderly to be mobile without canes. What if it could hold up a paralysed person and help them walk?
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Goran Radanovic I think this (paralyzed/elderly) was the primary function when the tech was initially developed
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Marco Agudelo
Marco Agudelo3 years ago
It would be great to work with adults. Considering force needed to apply, energy and time to recharge exoskeletons could be introduced with children.
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