3-day meetings during which high-profile problem solvers focus on a few complex problems. Bringing them up to date are field experts, with whom they work as a team. Thy share a reward for every problem they solve.
Increase the chances of solving difficult problems.
Knowledge from new fields broadens the ideators' arsenal. As a result, they are more likely to come up with unexpected breakthroughs in the future.
The sponsors get exposure as drivers of progress in the field. This puts them on the map of everyone interested in having these problems solved.
3-day research and development conferences that focus on 3 complex problems from any given field. There is a lucrative bounty prize attached to each problem. By solving it, everyone involved gets an equal share of the prize.
The conference and the bounties are paid for by the event sponsors..
Each ideator applicant must have a public track record as an ideator to be eligible/accepted to participate. This can include inventions, patents, published ideas, innovations, etc.
Bringing people up to date
In a TED talk style, each problem is thoroughly explained to an audience of ideators. This is followed by a series of crash-course talks that bring the audience up to date on what they need to know to be able to grasp the topic/problem.
For example, if the goal is come up with a way to regenerate human limbs after amputation, the audience of ideators would need to understand topics like: axolotl limb regeneration, introduction to limb development, embryology, crash-course on genetics, and so on.
Several field experts are available to answer niche questions at all times.
Each talk is followed by a brainstorming session where the ideators suggest wild ideas and experts explain why those are not feasible or what would need to happen to make them feasible. The ideators ask follow up questions. The experts provide the answers and point to topics that need to be understood if someone wants to dig deeper.
At the end of each day, there is a freestlye brainstorming session where the entire room discusses anything related to the problem.
The next morning, people have a coffee session to discuss any overnight ideas related to yesterday's problem.
The rest of the day is dedicated to the next problem.
The same pattern is repeated on the final day. The final problem is less complex to allow for a shorter curiculum. At the end, everyone discusses all of the problems once again.
The group then goes home and has 30 days to come up with effective solutions to the problems discussed. Members remain in touch by chatting, calling, or video conferencing. The bounty prize goes to all participants equally if one of their solutions is successful. This increases collaboration and selfless sharing/iterating of ideas. It doesn't matter who comes up with an effective solution. It's in everyone's interest that someone does.
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