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When you fall asleep a system activates and prevents anyone from disturbing you

Image credit: left: Oura ring; right: Gerriets Acoustics

Darko Savic
Darko Savic Mar 22, 2022
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As soon as your sleep monitor detects that you've fallen asleep, a system turns on that silences your surroundings and prevents anyone from disturbing you.
  • Parents have a hard time getting enough sleep with kids running around the house. An uninterrupted nap can make a big difference in the quality of life.
  • People who value their sleep/health can install this system in any environment where their sleep is likely to get interrupted.
How it works
You wear a sleep monitor such as Oura ring or any of the smartwatches that can detect when you fall asleep. These devices have multiple sensors that monitor your heart rate, breathing, body temperature, etc. They can connect to other devices via BlueTooth.
The "sleep guard" system would wait for instructions from your sleep monitor device. When you fall asleep it would activate a cascade of events:
  • lower sound-absorbing fabric curtains that isolates you from the rest of the home/family
  • roll out sound-proof partition sliding wall that isolates you from the rest of the home/family
  • turn on the "do not disturb" indicators throughout the house so that other family members know you're asleep
  • turn off all media devices (or cut power to them)
  • adjust the thermostat to your comfortable sleep temperature
  • optionally close and/or lock the doors
  • turn off the lights (if you live alone)
  • turn on white noise if it helps you sleep
Upon waking up, the sleep guard restores everything to its original state.
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General comments

Povilas S
Povilas S3 years ago
Making a silent and undisturbing environment for yourself might be even more important before falling asleep than after it since it might be hard to fall asleep in noisy/interruptive surroundings. I wonder would such a system justify its cost and purpose since people can simply do everything manually before going for a nap. Or the environment preparation could be automatic, but without the sensors, you'd simply activate it through remote control once you got into bed.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Povilas S I personally need this. I sometimes fall asleep during work. All I need is 15 minutes and I'd be good for the rest of the day. But people around me have different plans. "Oh sorry, didn't know you were sleeping". Once I'm awake I can't fall back asleep again.
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jnikola3 years ago
Darko Savic Falling asleep while working can be a signal that you might need to enhance your overnight sleep instead hehe. I am sure some healthcare workers would recommend the same.
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Michaela D
Michaela D3 years ago
Darko Savic a simple version of this setup would be your smartwatch to just notify the rest of the household that you are sleeping. It shouldn't be too difficult to set up a smartwatch to send automatic messages to other phones that you are sleeping or dim some lights and play quiet sleep music on a speaker/assistant if you have one. People would know that you are sleeping until a new message arrives and the rest of the signs turn off.
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Darko Savic
Darko Savic3 years ago
Michaela D having kids like mine, the device would need to lower me into a bunker and I'ld still feel the earthquake tremors from them playing. Putting a fence up, that protects the soundproof barrier would be the next best thing. Without a fence, they would tear down the barrier:)
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